id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15854 Heinzkill, Richard References in Scholarly English and American Literary Journals Thirty Years Later: A Citation Study 2007-03-01 14 .pdf application/pdf 7696 315 57 More significant is the large portion of these “nonliterary” citations— other subject monographs consti- tuted 41.5 percent (3,825 titles) of the total of the monographs cited from English literature articles and 49.3 percent (2,963 titles) from American literature articles were outside of the literature core. The ar- ticles yielded 20,802 citations (12,595 from journal articles about English literature and 8,207 from journal articles about American literature). cache/crl-15854.pdf txt/crl-15854.txt