id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15792 Nash, Katie Stockdale, Eric. ‘Tis Treason, My Good Man”: Four Revolutionary Presidents and a Piccadilly Bookshop. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll; London: British Library, 2005. 421p. alk. paper, $45 (ISBN 1584561580 [US]; 0712306994 [UK]). LC 2004-63644. 2006-03-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1473 64 47 Young John Stockdale worked for a London publisher, John Almon, who was known for publishing “a good many more titles by Americans and about the American controversy than any other London bookseller.” Through Day’s acquaintance, John Stockdale was introduced and formed ties with John Laurens (one of General Washington’s closest aides), Henry Laurens (president of Congress in Philadelphia), Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jeff erson, Dr. David Ramsay (America’s fi rst historian), and Dr. Jedidiah Morse (Father of Ameri- can Geography). cache/crl-15792.pdf txt/crl-15792.txt