id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15766 McCormack, Nancy Montgomery, Jack, and Eleanor I. Cook. Conflict Management for Libraries: Strategies for a Positive, Productive Workplace. Chicago: ALA, 2005. 207p. $42 (ISBN: 083890890X). LC 2004-30722. 2005-11-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1318 57 62 Many of the scenarios that followed looked equally familiar: the staff person with private problems, the micro-manag- er, the office romance, the “dead wood.” The logical conclu- sion that one might draw from this—that library staff might “go postal”—is one of the reasons for the existence of a study of workplace conflict aimed specifically at the library market. cache/crl-15766.pdf txt/crl-15766.txt