id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15691 Henige, David Miskolczy, Ambrus. Hitler’s Library. Trans. Ridey Szilvia and Michael Webb. Budapest: Central European Univ. Pr., 2003. 164p. $39.95 (ISBN 9639241598). LC 2003-12659. 2004-09-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1237 63 66 Sometimes this procedure is used to assess the independent value of historical sources; if X could have known about Y because information on Y was contained in books in X’s library, the prob- ability that X corroborates information on Y is diminished by virtue of the fact that X had access to such information. Following chapters deal with books that Hitler “read into” and books that Hitler “did not read (in depth).” cache/crl-15691.pdf txt/crl-15691.txt