id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15663 Deyrup, Marta Mestrovic Is the Revolution Over? Gender, Economic, and Professional Parity in Academic Library Leadership Positions 2004-05-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 4891 246 48 lthough women librarians have long been in the majority at academic libraries, they have recently risen to key leadership positions in the profession.1 At the most prestigious university libraries, the 124 Association of Research Library (ARL) in- stitutions,2 women comprise 52.1 percent of all top administrators and serve as the ma- jority on ARL’s board of directors.3,4 These are impressive gains when one considers that in 1972 women accounted for only 4.6 percent of library directors at these research universities.5 Women also occupy the ma- jority of positions on the executive board and officers’ list of the ALA and the board of directors of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL).6,7 However, these numbers ob- scure the fact that women library directors at the top institutions are generally much be er compensated. cache/crl-15663.pdf txt/crl-15663.txt