id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15641 Dilevko, Juris; Dali, Keren Reviews of Independent Press Books in Counterpoise and Other Publications 2004-01-01 22 .pdf application/pdf 10276 502 57 For instance, within category B, Lambda Book Report (39) and Women’s Re­ view of Books (26) reviewed Counterpoise- reviewed titles most frequently, followed by the New York Times Book Review (23) and 62 College & Research Libraries January 2004 World Literature Can any patterns be detected with regard to the Counterpoise-reviewed titles that also are frequently reviewed in popu­ lar and academic publications but are not reviewed in review publications com­ monly used by library professionals? cache/crl-15641.pdf txt/crl-15641.txt