id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15640 Graham, Rumi Y. Subject No-hits Searches in an Academic Library Online Catalog: An Exploration of Two Potential Ameliorations 2004-01-01 19 .pdf application/pdf 9991 401 52 Other fac­ tors that may account for some of the ob­ served differences in the results of these studies and perhaps may reduce their comparability are the variety of online catalog systems studied, the use of vari­ ant definitions of subject searches or no- hits searches, and variations in data col­ lection, sampling, or analysis methods.48 At the same time, the database enhance­ ments explored in the present study may have played a role in the slight reduction in the frequency of subject no-hits search results. Both comparisons reveal that frequen­ cies of all searches (figure 3) as well as no- hits searches (figure 4) across the five types of search indexes were quite similar, thereby suggesting that the sample week was not atypical of searching done over the full year. cache/crl-15640.pdf txt/crl-15640.txt