id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15595 Kelley, Kimberly B.; Orr, Gloria J. Trends in Distant Student Use of Electronic Resources: A Survey 2003-05-01 16 .pdf application/pdf 7245 278 51 Do students report that these facilities are meeting their needs? To answer this research question, the following survey questions were used as the basis for evaluating student library use behavior: • Survey question 4, “During a se- mester, how often do you visit a library to complete course-related assignments?” • Survey question 5, “When you do visit a library, which library do you visit most often to complete course-related as- signments?” • Survey question 6, “Please rank the quality of library services and materials in the library you visit most often.” Trends in Distant Student Use of Electronic Resources: A Survey 179 Sixty-six percent of respondents re- ported they “seldom” or “never” visited a library versus 32 percent who reported they “frequently” or “often” used a li- brary. Information and Library Services (ILS) at UMUC conducted a needs assessment survey to examine trends in student use of library resources, services, and instruction in order to understand how student usage pat- terns, needs, and preferences have changed as well as stayed the same. cache/crl-15595.pdf txt/crl-15595.txt