id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15590 Alexander, Jean Finkelstein, David. The House of Blackwood: Author–Publisher Relations in the Victorian Era. University Park: Pennsylvania State Univ. (Penn State Series in the History of the Book), 2002. 199p. alk. paper, $55 (ISBN 0271021799). LC 2002-501. 2003-03-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1906 103 57 Blackwood�s satu- rated the market with reprints of the works of George Eliot�bad enough when Eliot was popular, but disastrous when she went out of fashion. The Edinburgh printing and publishing house of Blackwood & Sons was founded by William Blackwood in 1804. cache/crl-15590.pdf txt/crl-15590.txt