id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15577 Rhodes, Kelly Diversity Now: People, Collections, and Services in Academic Libraries: Selected Papers from the Big 12 Plus Libraries Consortium Diversity Conference. Ed. Teresa Y. Neely and Kuang-Hwei (Janet) Lee-Smeltzer. New York: Haworth, 2002. 308p. alk. paper $69.95 cloth, (ISBN 0789016966); $39.95 paper (ISBN 0789016974). LC 2002-17175. 2003-01-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2475 180 45 In the December 1960 issue of Library Jour- nal, newly appointed editor Eric Moon wrote his infamous editorial, “The Silent Subject,” in which he complained that the library profession, specifically the ALA, had generally ignored the racial segrega- tion of public libraries in the South. Diversity Now is a col- lection of sixteen articles, originally pre- sentations for the Big 12 Plus Libraries Consortium Diversity Conference held in April 2000, bringing together the “best practices in academic libraries in the ar- eas of people, collections, and services.” cache/crl-15577.pdf txt/crl-15577.txt