id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15564 Emmons, Mark; Martin, Wanda Engaging Conversation: Evaluating the Contribution of Library Instruction to the Quality of Student Research 2002-11-01 16 .pdf application/pdf 7995 317 53 However, student research is not just searching for sources. Tacking back and forth between the ACRL Stan- dards and the English 102 objectives, as well as mining their own experiences with student research (including their own college research experiences), the authors drafted a matrix-style rubric that divided each of these categories, which they called Relevance, Credibility, and Engagement, into three qualities they hoped to see in successful papers and as- signed a numerical value to each of four degrees of success they thought it would be possible to identify. cache/crl-15564.pdf txt/crl-15564.txt