id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15529 Johnson, Kristin; Fountain, Kathleen Carlisle Laying a Foundation for Comparing Departmental Structures between Reference and Instructional Services: Analysis of a Nationwide Survey 2002-05-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 6732 280 39 The assumption found in the literature is that reference librarians universally accepted the role of instruction as it developed in the academic library, despite its chal- lenges.8 In 1984, William Miller cited in- struction as one of the significant new additions to the roster of reference librar- ian duties and a cause of consternation.9 Audrey D. Moore’s 1996 article described library instruction as one of three endur- ing reference service categories, the other two being informational services and reader ’s advisory services.10 In the early 1990s, librarians debated how reference services ought to incorpo- rate instruction. Such courses vary dramatically from institution to institution, and for the purposes of this particular survey, including them as part of library instruction would not render comparable results.14 Library tours are considered part of library instruction and counted toward the yearly number of classes. cache/crl-15529.pdf txt/crl-15529.txt