id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15527 Bao, Xue-Ming A Comparative Study of Library Surveys of Internet Users at Seton Hall University in 1998 and 2001 2002-05-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 4417 163 56 Because the exact responses of the two TABLE 2 Percent of Respondents� Academic Major or Field 1998 2001 n = 786 n = 581 Arts & Sciences 44.7% 44.4% Business 23.3% 16.4% Diplomacy 0.1% 2.8% Education 18.2% 14.6% Medical Education 4.1% 3.3% Nursing 5.2% 2.1% Theology 1.7% 2.6% Other 2.7% 13.9% 254 College & Research Libraries May 2002 TABLE 4 Percent of Respondents Searching Information Related to Academic Studies or Not Related to Academic Studies 1998 2001 n = 786 n = 581 Information related to academic studies 83.2% 88.1% Information not related to academic studies 73.9% 81.6% TABLE 5 Percent Of Respondents� Levels Of Satisfaction For Internet Search Results 1998 2001 n = 786 n = 581 1 (High Satisfaction) 7.8% 18.1% 2 36.1% 43.0% 3 37.0% 27.4% 4 11.8% 6.4% 5 (Low Satisfaction) 3.1% 1.2% surveys are different, it is only meaning- ful to compare percentages of the re- sponses rather than the exact counts of the responses. 7 Percent of Respondents� Problems Encountered When Searching the Internet 1998 2001 n = 786 n = 581 Too many hits 38.4% 50.1% Do not find information needed 49.2% 54.7% No full-text information can be cited for academic study and/or research 43.8% 52.8% Other 16.3% 11.5% 256 College & Research Libraries cache/crl-15527.pdf txt/crl-15527.txt