id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15510 Brown, Cecelia; Krumholz, Lee R. Integrating Information Literacy into the Science Curriculum 2002-03-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 7202 302 44 Moreover, several programs for enhanc- ing information literacy in both traditional and Web-based teaching environments have been published.2,3 Despite the impor- tance of monitoring the success of these programs, very few studies have ad- dressed how any improvements achieved in information literacy can be measured.4 One goal of this investigation was to de- vise an instrument for measuring informa- tion literacy using the Association of Col- lege and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) In- formation Literacy Competency Standards for 112 College & Research Libraries March 2002 Higher Education as a guide in combination with a survey previously used for the study of information literacy of physical science graduate students.5,6 Earlier studies have pointed to the im- portance of partnering academic librar- ians with faculty members to integrate information literacy programs into the general brown.p65 Integrating Information Literacy into the Science Curriculum 111 111 Integrating Information Literacy into the Science Curriculum Cecelia Brown and Lee R. Krumholz Cecelia Brown is an Assistant Professor in the School of Library and Information Studies at the Univer- sity of Oklahoma; e-mail: cache/crl-15510.pdf txt/crl-15510.txt