id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15478 Mitchell, W. Bede Dilevko, Juris. Unobtrusive Evaluation of Reference Service and Individual Responsibility: The Canadian Experience. Westport, Conn.: Ablex (Contemporary Studies in Information Management, Policies, and Services), 2000. 220p. $69.50 cloth (ISBN 1567505066), $24.95 paper (1567505074). LC 99-058739. 2001-09-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1995 87 54 One of the objections to unobtrusive testing has been that in most libraries fac­ tual questions make up a relatively small percentage of all reference inquiries, and therefore poor performance in answering such questions, though lamentable, can­ not be taken as an adequate assessment of overall reference service. Dilevko’s proxies tele­ phoned reference desk personnel at the central branch of the twenty most popu­ lous metropolitan areas in Canada to ask selected questions from the current news. cache/crl-15478.pdf txt/crl-15478.txt