id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15449 Meyer, Richard W. A Tool to Assess Journal Price Discrimination 2001-05-01 20 .pdf application/pdf 10929 528 54 The article concludes with a description of an analytical tool that may be used to assess journal prices. Economic Theory and Model To analyze the effects of electronic avail­ ability on journal price, a straightforward model was established that applied ordi­ nary least squares (OLS) regression on cross-sectional data similar to analyses reported by others.3 Earlier models typi­ cally regressed price on a number of vari­ ables to distinguish the statistical rel­ evance of publisher type in determining price.4 Not only do these studies confirm librarians’ belief that certain publishers practice price discrimination, but they also show that periodical prices are driven by other factors, as well. cache/crl-15449.pdf txt/crl-15449.txt