id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15431 Hernon, Peter; Powell, Ronald R.; Young, Arthur P. University Library Directors in the Association of Research Libraries: The Next Generation, Part One 2001-03-01 31 .pdf application/pdf 16626 604 43 Regard­ ing the 1998 survey, four directors did not have a degree in LIS: one had a master 's degree and three had a Ph.D. Review of the Literature Rerrence f. hech, in a stedy of 354 aca­ demic library directors, foend that they tend to be more involved with internal, rather than external, managerial roles.9 Michael ann Moskowitz, in a study con­ ducted in the 1s8os, reached a similar finding, but both investigators found some differences by type of institution.lO Each speculated about why these differ­ ences occurredY bech also discovered that library directors, like other academic managers, tend to be reactiveY Keith M. Cottam documented the shift in roles, functions, and activities from predomi­ nantly internal affairs to an increasing emphasis on external ones. Finally, library directors, it was noted by the senior management team (pretest interview, site A), have a skill set different from most deans. cache/crl-15431.pdf txt/crl-15431.txt