id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15414 Tallent, Ed Hannah, Stan A., and Michael H. Harris. Inventing the Future: Information Services for a New Millennium. Stamford, Conn.: Ablex, 1999. 170p. $54.50 cloth (ISBN 1-56750-450-7); $24.95 paper (ISBN 1-56750-451-5). LC99-28306. 2000-11-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1311 63 64 Knowing organizations know there is only one way to get something done, but this is not the case with the learning organization. It suc­ ceeds in being thought provoking and provides an easy segue into the chapters that discuss how we can find our way into the future. Libraries’ future, the authors argue, is dependent on them becoming learning organizations, not knowing organiza­ tions. cache/crl-15414.pdf txt/crl-15414.txt