id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15400 Greene, Harlan Disaster and After: The Practicalities of Information Service in Times of War and Other Catastrophes. Ed. Paul Sturges and Diana Rosenberg. London: Taylor Graham Publishing, 1999. 174p. $46 (ISBN: 0-947568-77-8). 2000-09-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2006 96 56 Vladimir S. Lazarev writes on how solu­ tions were found in Belarus to remedy the lack of available information to deal with literal fallout from Chernobyl; and Resoum Kidane discusses information services during the war in Eritrea, reiterating a theme that unfortunately sounds again and again in the following essays. Diana Sayej-Naser vents her rage on the effects Israeli occu­ pation has had on information services, education, etc., in the Palestinian territo­ ries; and Sava Peic and Aisa Telalovic, in spare prose, describe the incredible turmoil and loss of human life and cultural trea­ sures in the debacle of Saravejo. cache/crl-15400.pdf txt/crl-15400.txt