id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15397 Kreszock, Martha H. Belanger, France, and Dianne H. Jordan. Evaluation and Implementation of Distance Learning: Technologies, Tools and Techniques. Hershey, Pa.: Idea Group Pub., 2000. 246p. $69.95 (ISBN 1-878289-63-2). LC 99-47580. 2000-09-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1186 73 52 Transition is a key concept in their ap­ proach and may serve to ease the anxi­ eties of those educators who wonder where distance learning fits in with what they already do, how it impacts them, and how (or whether) to get started. In addition to useful ideas for course design and media selection, the book alerts read­ ers to important questions to ask about an organization’s capacity for, and level of commitment to, distance learning. cache/crl-15397.pdf txt/crl-15397.txt