id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15394 Mozenter, Frada; Sanders, Bridgette T.; Welch, Jeanie M. Restructuring a Liaison Program in an Academic Library 2000-09-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 4720 214 39 Liaison programs provide commu­ nication to teaching faculty about new li­ brary services and strengthen the role of the librarian in facilitating access to the wide range of resources that are available. The book review sections of Psy­ chology of Women Quarterly, Women’s Studies, Signs, Journal of Women’s His­ tory, and Gender and Society also are con­ sulted.7 The Restructured Library Liaison Program In 1998, a working group consisting of the head of technical services, the head of collection development, the coordinator of reference services, and the head of re­ search data services was charged by the library director with developing recom­ mendations for strengthening the role of library liaisons. cache/crl-15394.pdf txt/crl-15394.txt