id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15385 Gilbert, Ellen D. Challenges Facing Higher Education at the Millennium. Ed. Werner Z. Hirsch and Luc E. Weber. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Pr. (American Council on Higher Education/Oryx Press Series on Higher Education), 1999. 199p. $29.95, alk. paper (ISBN 1-57356-293-9). LC 99-28204. 2000-07-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1275 62 54 The volume’s authors, librarians at Rutgers University, set out to share their experiences in planning and devel­ oping Rutgers’s Scholarly Communica­ tions Center (SCC) as a “gateway to new models of scholarly communication and the new roles of libraries.” The SCC, completed in December 1996, is an addition to the Alexander Li­ brary at Rutgers University and in­ cludes three distinct parts—Teleconfer­ ence Lecture Hall, Information Han­ dling Laboratory, and Humanities and Social Sciences Data Center. cache/crl-15385.pdf txt/crl-15385.txt