id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15372 Alexander, Jean M. Librarians as Learners, Librarians as Teachers: The Diffusion of Internet Expertise in the Academic Library. Ed. Patricia O’Brien Libutti. Chicago: ALA, 1999. 296p. $27 (ISBN 0-8389-8003-1). LC 9913042. 2000-05-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2000 104 59 But how did their predeces­ sors, long before electric power and pho­ tography became practical realities, make record copies of data except by laboriously, and sometimes inaccurately, hand-copying everything? Anne Woodsworth states in her foreword that “No matter what work arena graduates wish to enter, the core curricula they take will have to incorporate areas such as in­ troduction to information science, infor­ mation storage and retrieval, database searching, metadata management, knowl­ edge management, information process­ ing, human–computer interaction, elec­ tronic records management, indexing, and information systems management, to name a few.” cache/crl-15372.pdf txt/crl-15372.txt