id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15360 Meola, Marc Goldman, Alvin I. Knowledge in a Social World. New York: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1999. 407p. $70, alk. paper, cloth (ISBN 0-1982-3777-4); $19.95 paper (ISBN 0‐1982-3820-7). LC 98-43283. 2000-03-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1257 61 55 Institutions and practices that fos­ ter true belief are good and should be promoted; institutions and practices that result in false belief (error) or the absence of true belief (ignorance) are bad and should be avoided or corrected. Science is, for Goldman, an example of a social practice that has good prospects for lead­ ing us to knowledge, whereas the news programming of commercially oriented media companies has less of a chance for leading us to true belief and is, therefore, a candidate for correction or regulation. cache/crl-15360.pdf txt/crl-15360.txt