id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15344 Mitchell, W. Bede Bielefield, Arlene, and Lawrence Cheeseman. Interpreting and Negotiating Licensing Agreements: A Guidebook for the Library, Research, and Teaching Professions. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1999. 162p. $55 (ISBN 1-55570-324-0). LC 98-55929. 2000-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1271 67 62 As libraries have increasingly added elec­ tronic product subscriptions to their hold­ ings, librarians have had to deal with li­ cense contracts filled with myriad provisions about ownership, access, li­ ability, warranty and governing law, of­ ten expressed in legal terms that are ar­ cane or deceptively straightforward sounding. This monograph is the latest in a series about legal issues in libraries that the authors have written since 1993 for Neal-Schuman; previous entries include Libraries and Copyright Law, Library Patrons and the Law, and Technology and Copyright Law: cache/crl-15344.pdf txt/crl-15344.txt