id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15339 Agingu, Beatrice O. Library Web Sites at Historically Black Colleges and Universities 2000-01-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 4343 192 59 However, the most impor­ tant determinant of an effective Web site is that it should have a clear mission and a clear sense of its users and their needs.4 In his article on the mission and func­ tion of library Web sites, Mark Stover fo­ cused on the mission and function of li­ brary Web Sites as they relate to the mis­ sion of the organization and the function or role of the librarian. This study focused on library Web sites of public-supported colleges and univer­ sities in the Southeast; a similar study conducted on all types of HBCUs nation­ wide may be necessary to determine any differences in their performance. cache/crl-15339.pdf txt/crl-15339.txt