id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15310 Merrett, Christopher Willinsky, John. Learning to Divide the World: Education at Empire’s End. Min‐neapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Pr., 1998. 304p. $22.95, alk. paper, cloth (ISBN 0‐8166-3076-3); paper (0-8166-3077-1). LC 97-43232. 1999-07-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1255 72 50 Notwithstanding the fact that this pub­ lication includes findings on librarians from all types of libraries, there are sev­ eral good reasons why academic librarians should consult this well-organized, easy- to-read work. Not least among them is that academic librarians will learn basic con­ cepts that will enable them to better un­ derstand themselves. cache/crl-15310.pdf txt/crl-15310.txt