id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15307 Conaway, Charles Wm. The Knowledge Economy. Ed. Dale Neef. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann (Resources for the Knowledge-Based Economy), 1998. 278p. $21.95, alk. paper (ISBN 0750699361). LC 97-34241. 1999-07-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 663 40 62 The Changing Economic Landscape; Knowledge as the Economic Force of Growth and Change; Measuring and Managing the Intangibles of Knowl­ edge; Learning Organizations in the Glo­ bal Knowledge-Based Economy and So­ ciety; and Public Policy: Government, Education, and Training in the Knowl­ edge-Based Economy. Dale Neef has provided a partial remedy to this situa­ tion with the publication of this selection of readings on the political economy of knowledge. cache/crl-15307.pdf txt/crl-15307.txt