id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15291 Cohen, Laura B.; Still, Julie M. A Comparison of Research University and Two-Year College Library Web Sites: Content, Functionality, and Form 1999-05-01 15 .pdf application/pdf 9011 326 56 In recent years, library Web sites over­ all have undergone a tremendous prolif­ eration. The pages studied featured links to library services, resources on the Web, directions for locat­ ing the library, details of access for the dis­ abled, and a few special features such as lists of library instruction classes and a vir­ tual tour of the library.4 In 1998, David L. King investigated the main, front-end home page of all 120 ARL It may be assumed that any librarymounting a Web site does so withinthe context of an institution thatoffers Web access on publicworkstations or has expectations thata critical mass of its users hasInternet access from off-campus. library Web sites and identified common elements of the typical ARL library home page in the areas of page background, document headers, document footer, graphics, hypertext links, unlinked text, and page length.5 Among his findings was the frequent appearance of identifying titles, the tag to the author/cre­ ator, text­based hyperlinks to home page content, and text consisting of welcome messages and/or descriptions of hyperlinks The average main screen con­ tained approximately twenty­two hypertext links A useful article on Web page organiza­ tion was written by Steven W Sowards, who identified depth criteria to describe the design of ready reference sites of mostly academic library home pages 6 Group I sites May 1999 place all their links on a single page. cache/crl-15291.pdf txt/crl-15291.txt