id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15276 Black, Leah; Forro, Denise Humor in the Academic Library: You Must Be Joking! or, How Many Academic Librarians Does It Take to Change a Lightbulb? 1999-03-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 4614 227 53 One researcher notes, however, that much of the evidence cited to date linking humor with good health and psychological well-being is anecdotal and that more empirical study is needed.5 Humor is free and available to anyone, so it is important to know the effects of humor and the extent to which it can help people deal with sickness and stress. “In work­ place writing, many people assume a per­ sona, don a dour attitude and avoid us­ ing humor, thinking they may not be taken seriously if they do.”16 cache/crl-15276.pdf txt/crl-15276.txt