id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15250 Clougherty, Leo; Forys, John; Lyles, Toby; Persson, Dorothy; Walters, Christine; Washington-Hoagland, Carlette The University of Iowa Libraries’ Undergraduate User Needs Assessment 1998-11-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 6793 377 55 The objectives of the Undergraduate User Needs Assessment Survey were: � to learn how undergraduates access library resources and services; � to learn what library services, re­ sources, and facilities undergraduates use for study and research; � to identify undergraduate percep­ tions of library resources; � to learn how satisfied undergradu­ ates are with library resources and services; � to identify undergraduate unmet needs. Content analysis of these ques­ tions along with data from the forced- choice questions point to areas requiring attention—namely physical facilities, per­ ceptions of library staff, staffing of service desks, and awareness of library services and resources. cache/crl-15250.pdf txt/crl-15250.txt