id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15249 Lindauer, Bonnie Gratch Defining and Measuring the Library’s Impact on Campuswide Outcomes 1998-11-01 25 .pdf application/pdf 13003 549 36 Academic libraries, one of the key players in providing and structuring instructional resources and services, also are expected to document how their performance contributes to institutional goals and outcomes. Using accreditation and ACRL sectional standards/criteria, higher education outcomes assessment research findings and recent findings from performance effectiveness studies, this article identifies important institutional outcomes to which academic libraries contribute; describes specific performance indicators whose measures of impacts and outputs provide evidence about progress and achievement; and offers a conceptual framework of assessment domains for the teach­ ing–learning library. n increasingly important con­ cern for academic librarians is how to document and measure the ways that the library, learn­ ing resources, and computer services units make a real difference in the aca­ demic quality of life for students and fac­ ulty. cache/crl-15249.pdf txt/crl-15249.txt