id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15244 White, Gary W.; Crawford, Gregory A. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Electronic Information: A Case Study 1998-11-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 4315 209 61 Ad­ ditional cost data gathered consisted of ILL costs, subscription costs to ABI/In­ Cost-Benefit Analysis 507 FIGURE 3 ILL Requests for Materials Indexed in ABI/Inform • 199q: 922 (19.4% of article requests) 4,764 total article requests • 1995: 464 (11.8% of article requests) 3,946 total article requests scribing to the paper cop­ ies versus the cost of access­ ing the articles through BPO for which ILL requests had been made. The cost of the journals acquired through BPO can be considered a poten­ tial cost saving; that is, the cost of sub- FIGURE 4 Cost Savings (Library Benefit) • Copyright: $563 savings • ILL cost: $8,528 savings • Total savings: $9,091 In 1995, this cost increased to $75,726.37, although fewer articles were requested. cache/crl-15244.pdf txt/crl-15244.txt