id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15209 Whitmire, Ethelene Development of Critical Thinking Skills: An Analysis of Academic Library Experiences and Other Measures 1998-05-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 4197 278 42 This negative relationship between academic library experiences and critical thinking develop­ ment also was found in a simi­ lar study by the same authors.17 Statement of the Problem Considering the mixed results of the previous empirical re­ search examining the relation­ ship between academic library experiences and the develop­ ment of critical thinking skills, this study uses a different con­ ceptual framework. Other Measures Ethelene Whitmire The purpose of this study is to determine the influences that affect the development of critical thinking skills in undergraduate students. cache/crl-15209.pdf txt/crl-15209.txt