id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15208 Miller, Jeannie P.; Benefiel, Candace R. Academic Librarians and the Pursuit of Tenure: The Support Group As a Strategy for Success 1998-05-01 6 .pdf application/pdf 3666 226 47 Establishment of a Tenure Support Group Librarians in the Sterling C. Evans Li­ brary at Texas A&M University are on tenure track and are expected to main­ tain high levels of job performance as well as show evidence of professional activity and a continuous record of re­ search and publication. 260 260 College & Research Libraries May 1998 Academic Librarians and the Pursuit of Tenure: The Support Group As a Strategy for Success Jeannie P. Miller and Candace R. Benefiel Faculty status with the accompanying quest for tenure is a fact of life for three out of four academic librarians, and achieving tenure is a tough proposition. cache/crl-15208.pdf txt/crl-15208.txt