id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15198 Berry, John Eshelman, William R. No Silence!: A Library Life. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow, 1997. 340p. $59 alk. paper (ISBN 0‐8108-3241-0). LC 96-53095. 1998-03-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1297 60 64 One of the foremost authorities on plan­ ning and building academic libraries has provided us with a concise, lucid, and well-researched history of the way that American academic libraries have evolved from the one-room facilities of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries to the large and complex structures characteristic of the twenti­ eth century. Hold on, though, this is no Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, it is primary source mate­ rial in library history, and you have to mine it to get the ore. cache/crl-15198.pdf txt/crl-15198.txt