id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15185 Cook, Eleanor I. Gateways to Knowledge: The Role of Academic Libraries in Teaching, Learning and Research. Ed. Lawrence Dowler. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Pr., 1997. 240 p. $35, alk paper. (ISBN 0-262-04159-6). LC 96- 31423. 1998-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1255 69 57 This status-based system has been challenged by an increase in inter­ disciplinary scholarship, the develop­ ment of a core curriculum, and the rise of networked information systems. Editor Lawrence Dowler, associate li­ brarian of Harvard College for Public Ser­ vices, uses the concept of gateway to elaborate on the changes that the col­ leges library system needs to address as it prepares for library services into the next century. cache/crl-15185.pdf txt/crl-15185.txt