id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15175 Garrett, Jeffrey Tolstoy’s Dictaphone: Technology and the Muse. Ed. Sven Birkerts. St. Paul, Minn.: Graywolf (Graywolf Forum, 1), 1996. 261p. $16 (ISBN 1-55597-248-9). LC 96-75790. 1997-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2353 158 49 Birkerts finds that “the whole familiar tradition of the book” is “destined for imminent histori- cal oblivion,” more broadly seeing him- self and a dwindling number of his thoughtful contemporaries being “gradually coerced into living against [their] natural grain, forced to adapt to a pace and a level of technological com- plexity” that is now driving them to re- volt, though without any hope of suc- c e s s . Those inter- ested in a more scientific (i.e., less hu- manistically oriented) study of the dia- lectics of writing and text technology may wish to turn to another recent col- lection of essays: The New Writing Envi- ronment: Writers at Work in a World of Tech- nology (1996).—Jeffrey Garrett, Northwest- ern University. cache/crl-15175.pdf txt/crl-15175.txt