id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15156 McIlvaine, Eileen Selected Reference Books of 1996–1997 1997-09-01 16 .pdf application/pdf 9721 509 59 375�404) covering events up to September 1996, and a classified bib- liography of reference works. The range of subject matter is quite broad, including individual cultures and re- gions, important archeological sites, and the biographies of major archeologists; broader topics of material culture such as stone technology, ceramics, and met- allurgy; matters of technique and prac- tice ranging from radiocarbon or dendro- chronological dating to typological analysis and museum collection manage- ment; a variety of theoretical approaches, including critical, processual, and sys- tems theory; and such �timely� issues as the ethics of collecting, nationalism, and portrayals of the field in popular culture. cache/crl-15156.pdf txt/crl-15156.txt