id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15152 Connaway, Lynn Silipigni; Johnson, Debra Wilcox; Searing, Susan E. Online Catalogs from the Users’ Perspective: The Use of Focus Group Interviews 1997-09-01 18 .pdf application/pdf 10490 481 54 Be- cause these and other factors obviously influence online catalog users� expecta- tions, behaviors, and satisfaction levels, however, some were raised by partici- pants in the focus groups. Untitled-8 Online Catalogs from the Users� Perspective 403 403 Online Catalogs from the Users� Perspective: The Use of Focus Group Interviews Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Debra Wilcox Johnson, and Susan E. Searing In an attempt to elicit information from the users of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s online catalog, Network Library System (NLS), the General Library System (GLS), conducted focus group interviews with undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. cache/crl-15152.pdf txt/crl-15152.txt