id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15143 Kleiner, Jane P.; Hamaker, Charles A. Libraries 2000: Transforming Libraries Using Document Delivery, Needs Assessment, and Networked Resources 1997-07-01 20 .pdf application/pdf 10147 517 55 Additionally, it offered UnCover Reveal, an alert service that per- mitted users to select journal titles, pro- file subject searches, and receive results by electronic mail. The commonal- ity between journal titles recommended for TABLE 5 UnCover Cost History FY93–FY96 Period Articles Access Total FY93* $4,549 Standard gateway $5,000 $9,549 FY94 $11,221 Two passwords $1,800 $13,021 FY95 $26,621 Two passwords $1,800 $30,921 FY96 $54,911 Custom gateway, $67,411 Reveal $12,500 Totals $97,302 Total access costs $21,100 $120,902 * cache/crl-15143.pdf txt/crl-15143.txt