id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15128 Coleman, Vicki; Xiao, Yi (Daniel); Bair, Linda; Chollett, Bill Toward a TQM Paradigm: Using SERVQUAL to Measure Library Service Quality 1997-05-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 4537 212 53 Exceeding what customers expect from the service is the key to delivering high-quality service.2 TQM principles emphasize the use of a decentralized, team-oriented approach to address the issues causing the gaps in customer expectations and perceptions.3 Analy- 238 College & Research Libraries May 1997 tations: desired service (which reflects what customers want); adequate ser- vice (the standard customers are will- ing to accept); and predicted service (the level of service customers believe is likely to occur).5 Their research also sup- ports the theory that customers gener- ally use five factors, or dimensions, as their criteria for judging service quality. Various teams, referred to as Clouds, have been created in the library to address issues of service quality per- tinent to library customers. cache/crl-15128.pdf txt/crl-15128.txt