id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15119 Lancaster, F. W. Hernon, Peter, and Ellen Altman. Service Quality in Academic Libraries. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1996. 187p. $24.50, paper. ISBN 1-56750-210-5. LC 95-42989. 1997-03-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1809 160 49 They also are prone to wild asser- tions that they fail to substantiate, such as “thinking of library users as custom- ers is a new concept for many librar- ians.” It is also doubtful that library us- ers can really respond meaningfully to some of the points (e.g., “The informa- tion you get from library books and pe- riodicals is accurate”) and at least one of the questions is completely ambigu- ous: “Library staff understand the in- formation for which you are looking” presumably means “Library staff un- derstand what you are looking for,” which is quite different from the point as stated. cache/crl-15119.pdf txt/crl-15119.txt