id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15041 Wilson, Patrick The Closing of American Library Schools: Problems and Opportunities (Book Review) 1996-03-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1277 68 58 Larry Ostler and Therrin C. Dahlin, librar- ians at BYU and part-time library school instructors (presumably at the now closed BYU library school), contribute sixty pages, briefly discussing the history of library education and the social changes affecting it, the nature of the profession of librarian, the need for strategic plan- ning, and the importance of accreditation for schools and certification for practitio- ners; and then offer a proposal to revamp the system of library education. A four-page con- cluding chapter abruptly suggests that the force of new information technologies will make librarians redefine their work; that the term librarian has become anach- ronistic; and that what may be needed is a new type of information professional who is expert in the new information technologies and educated in a new sort of professional school of information studies or communication and informa- tion systems, which would result from library education joining forces with edu- cators in (unspecified) information and communication fields. cache/crl-15041.pdf txt/crl-15041.txt