id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15032 Breivik, Patricia Senn Guest Editorial: Working Together for a Better Tomorrow 1996-03-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1549 77 58 Quot- ing from University of Virginia president John Casteen, he emphasized three points: (1) unity within the state higher education systems is essential for public support, (2) national organizations must be willing to work on a partnership ba- sis with key state interests, and (3) ad- vocacy for higher education must attract third party supporters who will state our case because, in part, we are meeting their needs. Librarians have a lot to offer, but that potential will come to naught unless librarians can act in unity within states, unless we can work in part- nership among our state and regional chapters and ACRL, and unless we can get other nonlibrarian advocates to cham- pion our cause. cache/crl-15032.pdf txt/crl-15032.txt