id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14991 Bleek, Wilhelm; Mertens, Lothar Secret Dissertations in the German Democratic Republic 1995-09-01 14 .pdf application/pdf 6105 264 50 No. % Dresden 387 381 6 1.6% Erfurt-Miihlhausen 447 445 2 0.4% Giistrow 1JJ7 193 14 6.8% Potsdam 806 793 13 1.6% (Source: FJgUI'es compiled fromJahresver.zeichnis der Hochschulschriften (German dissertation index), 1978-1987 and accession catalogs of secret dissertations in the Deutsche Biichere~ Leip2ig) 388 College & Research Libraries September 1995 TABLE6 DEClASSIFICATION OF SECRET DISSERTATIONS AT SELECTED INSTITUTIONS AS OF SEPTEMBER 1988 Differences Among Graduate Institutions An examination of secret dissertations grouped by the graduate institutions at which they were written reveals appre- ciable variations among different acad- emies, universities, and colleges. cache/crl-14991.pdf txt/crl-14991.txt