id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14979 Sylvia, Margaret; Lesher, Marcella What Journals Do Psychology Graduate Students Need? A Citation Analysis of Thesis References 1995-07-01 6 .pdf application/pdf 3177 161 55 This study used the biblio- graphic citations found in theses and dissertations of graduate students in the psychology and counseling departments of the university, cost-per-use statis- tics, and shelving statistics to develop a basis for psychology journal selection in the Academic Library. These titles were not consid- TABLE 1 CITATION COUNTS IN RANKED ORDER OF FREQUENCY No. of Gtations Title 33 *Personnel Psychology 30 *Hispanic Journal of Behavior Sciences 28 *Journal of Counseling Psychology 26 *Journal of Applied Psychology 24 *Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 23 *American Psychologist 23 International Journal of the Addictions 21 * Counselor Education and Supervision 21 * Nature (ordered for another department) cache/crl-14979.pdf txt/crl-14979.txt