id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14906 Leach, Bruce A. Identifying CD-ROM Use Patterns as a Tool for Evaluating User Instruction (Research Note) 1994-07-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 3712 179 62 Data were gathered for the number of database uses, interval between first and last database use, and number of academic quarters in which databases were used. 3 Ann Nisto and others and Carlo Pedemonte and others described software for ga th- ering statistics on database use by indi- viduals, but neither presented data about their user groups.4 Several authors have described software for gathering statistics on database use by groups of searchers (faculty, graduate students, nonstudents, etc.).5 So far, no published studies have used workstation use re- cords covering an extended period of time to determine patterns of CD-ROM database use by individuals. cache/crl-14906.pdf txt/crl-14906.txt