id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14824 Gerhard, Kristin H.; Boydston, Jeanne M. K. A Library Committee on Diversity and its Role in a Library Diversity Program 1993-07-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 5079 286 47 This is essential to any diversity effort and most directly confronts both individual and institu- tional discrimination.~ CONCLUSIONS In his discussion of the role of cam- puswide affirmative action committees, Daniel C. O'Rourke suggests that ... committees can be most effective in help- ing accomplish organizational goals in- cluding affirmative action (AA) and nondiscrimination goals (perhaps the most effective resource).21 They outline a number of actions libraries can take, but emphasize the importance of maintaining a vision of an environment where all individuals are valued and where full participation and partner- ship are the norm. cache/crl-14824.pdf txt/crl-14824.txt