id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14821 White, Herbert Scholarly Publication, Academic Libraries, and the Assumption That These Processes are Really under Management Control 1993-07-01 10 .pdf application/pdf 5648 262 55 1° Kingma and Eppard correctly describe the differ- ence between individual and library sub- scription prices, but their suggestion that the economic solution is to increase the cost of faculty photocopying services for library journals neglects the reality we know so well, that when photocopying is made unattractive, direct appropriation of material or mutilation grow in propor- tion. That These Processes Are Really under Management Control Herbert White It has long been assumed that the refereeing process used by scholarly journals served as an effective safeguard against the publication of work that is either inferior or repetitive of earlier publications. cache/crl-14821.pdf txt/crl-14821.txt